
The Toyota Foundation

  • Research Grant Program
  • International Grant Program
  • Grant Program for Community Activities in Japan
  • Co-Creating New Society with Advanced Technologies
  • Migrants and Japanese Society
  • Youtube
  • the Toyota Foundation’s 50th year anniversary project


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Grant Program

About Our Programs

The Toyota Foundation currently operates six open call programs and non-open call initiative programs. In the open call programs, in accordance with its founding principles, the Foundation focuses on conducting grant activities aimed at "furthering the happiness of people." These grants prioritize envisioning the ideal "connections" and "interactions" among people to overcome social issues both domestically and internationally. Additionally, the Foundation emphasizes grants that focus on the appropriate societal implementation of new industrial technologies such as IT, to concretely realize these ideals.


Activities of Our Grantees

We feature activity reports of currently funded groups as well as outcome reports from groups that have received funding in the past. Please utilize these for reference in applying for grants, planning activities, or searching for groups to collaborate with.

Contributed Articles from Grantees

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